Welcome to Happy Canvas and Code! My name is Doug Farrell, and I’m using this site as a kind of ‘branding’ for myself, and to talk about things that I think are interesting. This is kind of experimental, so we’ll see how this goes and evolve over time.
You can find a lot of information about me from my LinkedIn profile link in the sidebar, but here’s a brief overview. Professionally I’m a software developer who’s worked in quite a few industries in quite a few programming languages. Currently, my sweet-spot language of choice is Python. I like its brevity of syntax, clarity of intent and just how well it fits how I think about developing software.
Personally, I have far too many interests and have to regularly whittle the list down to actually do anything with one of them. I’ve tried to keep the list to getting back into art, painting in particular, after many years of not being creative in that way. I’m also trying to learn how to play the ukulele as it seems like a manageable instrument for someone who is not very musically inclined. I also like creating various projects with the Raspberry Pi and Pico boards that interact with the real world.
I’m the author of “The Well-Grounded Python Developer”, by Manning Publishing. I’ve also written a few articles for the Real Python site, which is a great resource for information about Python.